Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Making Lolly Leis and Sherbet Bags for the Elm Park Gala

We have been really busy this week making lolly leis for our school gala.  We used tulle casings to hold the sweets and one of our lovely parents used her overlocker to make the tubes.

The colourful tulle
Overlocking the tubes for strength
The sweets
Laying out the sweet pattern
Collecting the lollies...
A very tricky job...

"Is my pattern symmetrical?"

"Have we got everything?"

Adding the fiddly ties ...

A job well done!

"Phew- we did it"
Great teamwork everyone...!

We also made sherbet bags for the gala:
Here is the recipe given to us by Teryn's mother that makes 10 bags of sherbet.

Icing sugar             1 cup
Citric acid              1 tablespoon (tblsp)
Tartaric acid           1 and a half teaspoons (tsp)
Baking soda            3 quarters of a tsp
Raro flavouring       4 tsp
OR jelly crystals

The main ingredient...

First we sifted the icing sugar... then add the citric acid, tartaric acid, baking soda and Raro flavouring

Mrs Houghton has a fancy sealing machine to seal the bags filled with sherbet and a lollipop for dipping

Yum! We hope all the leis sell at the school gala this Sunday, 2 March.

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